Friday, September 20, 2013

For the week of Sept. 23 - 27...Our focus will be on the "Civil War".

Monday and Tuesday - We will look at the advantages and disadvantages for both sides.
We will analyze the "war strategy" of each of side.
We will review the causes by watching America:  The Story of Us.  "Division.

Wednesday and Thursday - Notes on the war and its results

Friday - Begin Reconstruction

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Timeline today and tomorrow...Sept. 19, 20

The following events should be labeled, annotated and illustrated:
War with Mexico
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Underground Railroad
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dred Scott decision
Election of 1860
South Secedes

include vocabulary:  Manifest Destiny, popular sovereignty, abolition

Create an annotated timeline of the events.
The title:  What caused the Civil War and could it have been avoided?
Annotations should follow this theme.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of September 16.

This week we begin the study of causes of the Civil War.  Our emphasis will be on sectionalism.

All students should have completed the pre-reading activity.  Honor students need to pay special attention to supporting their statements using evidence.  This as well as the notes on "Westward" should be turned in at the beginning of class.

Starting Tuesday...we will review pages 51 - 58 and take notes on the issues and cultural differences between the North and South.
Students will read Chapter 4 and collect information for an annotated time line of events leading to the Civil War. 

All students will analyze a political cartoon created during the antebellum era.  Discuss the uses and purposes of the cartoons.

Honor students will research the various causes leading to the War and create a political cartoon on ONE of the causes...Homework.

Thursday...We will take our quiz (only 15 questions on colonies, Revolution, and New Nation) and watch the video "Separation" from America:  Story of Us.  This segment will go over the growth and changes of the nation in the early 1800's as well as those issues that caused the South to secede.

Next week...Civil War and Reconstruction.