Monday, October 28, 2013

The Industrial Economy: Crash Course US History #23

Industrialization in America

America and Industrialization

In your notebook be sure define and learn the following terms:

Gross National Product
economies of scale
holding company

Read and take notes on pages 91 - 109...Note the many causes of the Industrial Revolution in the US.   Note the many effects the growth of Railroads had on Americans.

Finally, take notes and chart the various forms of business that developed at this time.  What were the advantages and disadvantages of each?  What types of consolidation came about? Who was helped and who was hurt by business consolidation?

After the creation of the cause and effect graphic organizers, lets look at how these things came about and added to America's industrial growth.

You should have read and taken notes on pages 92 - 99.
Be sure to understand the issue of the "Robber Baron" and the corruption of the Credit Mobilier scandal.

This week we will focus on big business, unionization, and urbanization.

Big Business

Read and take notes on pp. 100 - sure to focus on business integration.
The following videos will add to the information available.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Andrew Carnegie
J.P. Morgan
John D. Rockefeller


Read and take notes on pages 104 - 109
Key terms:
closed shop
industrial union v. trade union

What were workers complaints?  Were they justified?

Homestead Strike

Review each of the following and note the causes and effects of each event.
Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Riot, Homestead Strike, Pullman strike.

What happened?
What caused it?
What was the effect?
Great Railroad Strike

Haymarket Riot

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike

What was the importance of AFL?
Why did women attempt to form their own trade unions?
Why were the unions generally unsuccessful?

Write a one paragraph summary or generalization on what patterns you observed in the chart.


Read and take notes on pages 113 - 127

Key terms:
political machine
party boss
Social Darwinism

Why did they come to America?  Look for reasons that immigrants left their "old" country (push) and reasons they wanted to come to America (pull).

Create a visual to show where the immigrants came from and where they settled.
Define "nativism" and explain how it grew at this time.
Describe the Chinese Exclusion Act.
How was the immigration experience different for Asians than Europeans?

Describe immigrant life in America.
Explain Political Machines.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A New Quarter

October 23...
We are starting with Quarter 2.  So far we have completed 3 assignments.  The questions on the Battle of Little Bighorn, a T-Chart to review the Advantages and Hardships of emigrating westward, and notes on the video "Heartland".

Today we start on "Industrialism".
In your notebook be sure define and learn the following terms:

Gross National Product
economies of scale
holding company

Read and take notes on pages 91 - 109...Note the many causes of the Industrial Revolution in the US.   Note the many effects the growth of Railroads had on Americans.

Finally, take notes and chart the various forms of business that developed at this time.  What were the advantages and disadvantages of each?  What types of consolidation came about? Who was helped and who was hurt by business consolidation?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week of October 7
Last week we finished the study of the Civil War and Reconstruction.  Our final project was the reading of documents (13, 14, and 15 amendments; Black codes; Henry Adam's statement; photos of black legislators; Freedmen's bureau statement on education.)  The assessment of the reading was 3 paragraphs defending your stance on the question: "Were African-Americans free during Reconstruction?"

This week we will begin the post-war movement westward and the build up of business and industry in the cities.  There will be a quiz on the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Mon./Tue.  Read text book pages 74 - 82.  With a partner, create a character from the time period and occupation assigned by teacher (miner, farmer, rancher).  Create 5 questions for an interview of the character and then create the answers using your knowledge of the time period.  Be prepared to explain one question and answer in class.

Wed./Thur  Read textbook pages 83 - 87.  We will discuss and look closely at how American's migration westward affected the Native American population.  We will look closely at the Battle of Little Big Horn and compare documents sent to the government.
Quiz on Civil War and Reconstruction...Mon and Tue of next week.