Friday, February 28, 2014

Cold War - U.S. vs U.S.S.R

Read the textbook...pages 323 - 329

Explain how each of the following were part of America's policy to prevent the expansion of a hostile power (specifically the USSR)

1.  Long Telegram
2.  Crisis in Iran
3.  Truman Doctrine
4.  Marshall Plan
5.  Berlin Airlift
6.  Creation of NATO

How did the Cold War spread beyond Europe?
What was the significance of the Korean War?  How was it a "turning point" in the Cold War?
Why did Truman fire MacArthur?


How did the Cold War affect American Society?
Key terms:  subversion,  perjury,  censure,  fallout,
What was Truman's loyalty review?
What was the HUAC?  What was its purpose?
Who was Joseph McCarthy?
What was the Cause and Consequences of the "Red Scare"?

View the following videos from United Streaming:
Assignment:  Analysis of Political Cartoons
Using political Cartoons created by artist Herb Block, analyze and explain how the issues of the "Red Scare" were depicted by the author.  Using the analysis organizer, you and a partner should choose one of the cartoons and complete the analysis. 
Honors Class:  On the backside of the analysis paper, you and your partner should create your own cartoon on any issue from the cold war era.  The cartoon should contain all items from the analysis sheet.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Atomic Bomb Lesson:

Today we are going to look at the aftermath of the decision to drop the atomic bomb.
Question:  "How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bomb?"

You will need a sheet paper for the assignment.
1.  "Quick Write" - 2 minutes...What do you know about the dropping of the atomic bomb.
2. Read the two narratives on the front page of the document pack.  Answer the "guided questions" on the bottom of the page.  Remember:  A narrative is a story and a story can be told in different ways.
3.  Now you will randomly be chosen to be on the Japanese Experience side (bomb should not have been used) or American Experience side (bomb was necessary).  Read the rest of the documents.
4. You should record information to support your side.  Highlight or underline quotes, facts,
images, information, etc. that supports the “Hiroshima as Victimization” narrative, Or that supports the "Triumph" narrative.
NOTE: If you are absent during ANY part of the last steps.  You are required to complete BOTH sides of the argument.
5.  Now you and a partner will be paired with 2 others that have the opposing view.   Together, each pair shares the evidence for their argument with the other pair. Now the group has to decide which image they think should be selected to represent the dropping of the atomic bomb on a United Nations website. Choose the image from the link below.

    Name the image:
    Caption for the image:
    Paragraph explaining why you chose that image.
6. Class Discussion:
• Each group shares which image they selected and why.
• Which images were easy to eliminate?
• Students are often asked: Should the United States have dropped the
bomb? Why is that a difficult question?
• Do you feel like we can judge Truman’s decision? Why or why not? What
would we need to know to feel qualified to judge?

For those who were absent:  Please use the lesson plan for narratives and documents A - E.  Follow the above instructions.

London bombing during WWII

Friday, February 21, 2014

Introduction of Cold War

Using textbook:  Read pages 318 -322

Chart information on the post-war conferences.
As you read the pages...record the issues presented at each conference on the left side and how the issues were resolved (outcomes) on the right side.





4.Iron Curtain

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Japanese Internment

Government Newsreel...Japanese Relocation

Central Question for this lesson:  "Why were Japanese Americans interned during WWII?"

Create a hypothesis for the central question using the documents provided.

Fill in the information for each document on the chart handed out in class.

Lesson from Stanford History Education Group.

Japanese Internment Lesson Plan

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Read Chapter 11 and 12.
2/7, 2/10
We will discuss those items that led America from neutrality to war.

Following the video, we will discuss how the situation in the world affected the US.
Some key terms to understand:  Isolationism, Internationalism, appeasement, Neutrality Acts.

What was the controversy about helping our allies in the war?

Assignment for HONORS US History:
Cartoon analysis.  Study and review pre-War cartoons by Dr. Seuss. Analyze his message.
If absent...See me for an analysis worksheet and use one of the following Cartoons.