Friday, October 24, 2014

Immigration and Urbanization

October 24 and 27
Immigration and Urbanization Read and take notes on pages 113 - 127

Key terms:
political machine
party boss
Social Darwinism

Notes on Immigration:

 Why did immigrants come to America?  Look for reasons that immigrants left their "old" country (push) and reasons they wanted to come to America (pull).

Ellis Island
Angel Island
What were the similarities and differences between these two areas?

 Define "nativism" and explain how it grew at this time.
Describe the Chinese Exclusion Act.
How was the immigration experience different for Asians than Europeans?

Examine the map on page 117.
What are some specific pattern that you see about where the immigrants came from and where they settled?
What were the two largest groups of immigrants? 

October 28 and 29

ASSIGNMENT:  Writing assignment...5 paragraph essay using the following documents.  Answer the question: 
‘Why did Americans pass the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act?’


 Document A:  Anti-Chinese Play, 1879

If this document were your ONLY piece of evidence, how would you answer

the question: ‘Why did Americans pass the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act?’

Source: The page above comes from a play called “The Chinese Must Go:” A
Farce in Four Acts by Henry Grimm, published in San Francisco, 1879. In just 
the first page, you will be able to see many of the common stereotypes of
Chinese immigrants in the 19th century.

Document B: Political Cartoon, 1871
If this document were your ONLY piece of evidence, how would you answer
the question: ‘Why did Americans pass the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act?’

Source: The cartoon was drawn by Thomas Nast for Harper’s Weekly, a 
Northern magazine. In this cartoon, we see Columbia, the feminine symbol of
the United States, protecting a Chinese man against a gang of Irish and

German thugs. At the bottom it says "Hands off-Gentlemen! America

means fair play for all men."

The following link is two more documents to use as comparison.

AFTER you have examined and taken notes on all of the documents, begin writing your essay.  Yes, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and neatness count.
You should treat this as a DBQ and use information from all documents.  Be sure to cite the documents as you use them.

 Describe immigrant life in America.
Explain Political Machines.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Industrialization and Growth in America

Industrialization assignments

study island

Moving West: Miners, Farmers, Ranchers and Native Americans.

What happened in the rest of America during the Civil War and Reconstruction era?  What were the hardships of living west of the Mississippi River?  What were the benefits?

Read pages 74 - 87 and take notes using the outlines.  Complete the chapter with the writing assignment on the last slide.
Use study island to review the topics studied so far.