Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sept. 14 - 18 Go West!!!

US History Assignments for Sept. 14 - 18 

Sept. 14/15   This week’s topic is Reconstruction.


·         Assess the influences of people on Reconstruction.

·         Describe the importance of the 13, 114, and 15 Amendments.

·         Describe and assess the effects of Black codes on freed people.

·         Analyze the sharecropping system as applied in the post-war South.


After the assessment to review last week’s notes, we will do a S.H.E.G. assignment using Reconstruction documents.  The EQ is:  “Were African-Americans free during Reconstruction?”

Read the documents and answer the guided questions.

You will be assigned a side in the discussion…yes, they were free or; no, they were not free.

You will use the information to convince the opposing side that you are correct. 

Finally, you will complete a paragraph stating your side of the argument and support your opinion using evidence from the documents.

Sept. 16/17

Objective:  Examine the reasons for moving Westward.
Discuss and examine the treatment of Native Americans.

1.  BW:  Definitions
2.  Using graphic organizer and Cornell notes; Examine the "Go West" experience.
3.  Using "concept ladders" describe the events and/or characteristics of westward movement.


Students will write summary for each concept ladder...using information gathered to describe the "westward movement.
Announcement:  Unit Test on Monday/Tuesday (9/20-21)

Sept. 18

Review assessment for Westward movement.

Review terms for Unit Test.

HW for “Industrialism” section.

Sept. 8 - 11 Reconstruction

US History Assignments for Sept. 8 – 11 

Sept. 8/9   This week’s topic is Reconstruction.


·         Assess the influences of people on Reconstruction.

·         Describe the importance of the 13, 114, and 15 Amendments.

·         Describe and assess the effects of Black codes on freed people.

·         Analyze the sharecropping system as applied in the post-war South.


Look at Vocabulary on page 23.  Bellwork:  Copy the terms into your notes…yes, I know there are 29 of them.  You will need them for the next step.  Suggestion:  As you take notes, highlight the terms that are used.  Complete the timeline and turn it in.  15 minutes

You will work in groups at your table.  Each person will study one of the following topics and will be responsible for explaining the topic to others in the group.  All information is in Chapter 2, pages 23 – 33). Decide on who will work on the following. (if you can’t decide, I will)

·         Plans of Reconstruction (2 people if table has 5 or more)

·         Amendments 13, 14, 15

·         Government and Economics of Reconstruction in the South

·         End of Reconstruction and its Aftermath

Read your section and take notes: 20 minutes

Break into expert groups and compare notes… 15 minutes

Back into home groups:  Explain your section and everyone will take notes on a graphic organizer.  One set of notes from each group will be collected (all will get the grade).  The person will be chosen at random by me.  30 minutes

Review:  5 minutes

Sept. 10/11

Objective:  Analyze the importance of the 13, 14, and 15 amendments, Black Codes, and Freedman’s Bureau.   Essential question:  “Were African Americans free during Reconstruction?”


Each student will be given a set of documents to read and answer guided questions.
Students at each table will discuss the EQ using Socratic Seminar techniques.
Students will then attempt to reach a consensus on the EQ.  They will write a summary of the arguments and conclusion to be turned in at the end of class.
Assignment will continue next week...Completed on Monday/Tuesday.

An exit slip will be assigned to assess understanding of objectives.

Week of Aug. 31 Civil War

US History - Aug. 31 to Sept. 4

This week’s objectives:

List and explain the causes of the Civil War.
Describe the consequences of the Civil War. 

Aug. 31/Sept. 1

During the first 30 minutes we will travel (as a class) to room 468.


·         Vocabulary:  Write down the key terms and names from page 1 – Chapter 1.  Define and explain the significance of each.

·         Using graphic organizers, take notes on the Civil War from the class presentation.

·         Watch video on Civil War.


·         Summary cards:  Causes, Course, Consequences of Civil War.

Sept. 2/3


·         Bellwork:  Fill-in graphic organizer of Civil War. (Review of last class)

·         Within your table, create an illustrated timeline of the causes, course and consequences of the Civil War.  Must be a total of 15 items…  Each category must have at least 4 items.


·         Each person at the table should be able to list and explain at least 2 items in each of the 3 categories…causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War
Sept. 4

·         Use your homework notes to complete the “review” quiz.

·         Start on the homework for Reconstruction.

Next week we cover the time period following the Civil War.