Tuesday, December 17, 2013


December 18 and 19 - Watch video that summarizes the decade 1910 to 1919.
Turn in homework assignment on causes of WWI.
Regular US History:
Visual Vocab...book/dictionary definition
                        Your definition
                         An example
                         A picture

Vocabulary terms:  1.  Nationalism, 2. Imperialism,  3.  Militarism,  4.  Alliances

Honors:  In your bellwork notebook:  Define and give an example for each.

Following the video:  Read pages184 - 188
Create an annotated timeline of the following events to show how the USA became involved in WWI.
1.  Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
2.  Declarations of War in Europe
3.  Sinking of Lusitania
4.  Zimmermann Telegram
5.  Germany resumes Submarine warfare
6.  Wilson asks for a Declaration of War

Conclusion:  Why was America determined to remain neutral?  What events changed Wilson's stance on the war?  Paraphrase the quote on page 188 and explain how this "justifies" American involvement.

WWI Firsts  a video

Next class:  WWI and the US...How progressive ideas and government agencies mobilized US citizens and organized the economy to aid the war effort.

The Christmas Truce of 1914

Progressive Era

For the week of Dec. 16 - 19

Read Chapter 6 in the textbook.  Chapter 6 starts on page 162.

Web mapping of the word Progressives.

For each category:
US History Classes
  • Who?
  • What was the problem?
  • What was the proposed solution?
Honors Classes
  • find primary source document that represents an issue in each category
  • Source it
  • Contextualize
  • Close read - includes summary
Possible websites:
Progressive Politics
Progressive Era

Use Destiny quest and your textbook for ideas.

Part 2 of Assignment:
3 column chart to show differences and similarities of Progressive Presidents
T. Roosevelt          Taft                 Wilson

Regular US History:  List four progressive programs for each president and explain them.
Honors:  List four pieces of Progressive Legislation for each president and explain them.

Conclusion:  What were the Progressive's greatest accomplishments and biggest failure?  Be sure to use examples and evidence to support your claim.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Philippine-American War Political Cartoon

Imperialism and Political Cartoons

Today we will look at America's movement toward becoming Imperialistic.

You will have a handout and graphic organizer to complete the activity.

The following video contains the political cartoons to be studied.
Don't forget to complete the assignments at the end of the notes on Imperialism.  You will find it on the last slide of the "Imperialism" power point.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Imperialism, Progressivism, and WWI


The week of Dec. 2 - 6:  We will cover Imperialism and Progressives.
The week of Dec. 9 - 14:  We will complete Imperialism and Progressives and examine America's role in World War I.
The week of Dec. 17 - 21:  We examine the results of WWI and its effect on America's economy and the social effects of the war.

Definition:  The political and economic domination of a stronger nation over a weaker, less powerful nation.

The power point for Imperialism.  View if you missed notes or need to review.  Assignments at the end.