Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Progressive Era

For the week of Dec. 16 - 19

Read Chapter 6 in the textbook.  Chapter 6 starts on page 162.

Web mapping of the word Progressives.

For each category:
US History Classes
  • Who?
  • What was the problem?
  • What was the proposed solution?
Honors Classes
  • find primary source document that represents an issue in each category
  • Source it
  • Contextualize
  • Close read - includes summary
Possible websites:
Progressive Politics
Progressive Era

Use Destiny quest and your textbook for ideas.

Part 2 of Assignment:
3 column chart to show differences and similarities of Progressive Presidents
T. Roosevelt          Taft                 Wilson

Regular US History:  List four progressive programs for each president and explain them.
Honors:  List four pieces of Progressive Legislation for each president and explain them.

Conclusion:  What were the Progressive's greatest accomplishments and biggest failure?  Be sure to use examples and evidence to support your claim.

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