Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Depressing 30's

This week we are going to look at the changes that brought about the Great Depression.

Read pages 232 to 239 in the textbook.

Create a many causes one effect chart to describe the causes of the Great Depression.  Minimum of 5 causes - one sentence explanation for each cause.

Create a one cause and many effects chart to describe the effects the Great Depression had on the people of America.  Minimum of 5 effects - one sentence explanation for each effect.

On Thursday and Friday we will compare the recovery plans of Hoover and Roosevelt.  Special emphasis will be placed on Roosevelt's New Deal and its effectiveness.  Students will participate in a SAC (Structured Academic Conflict) activity to determine the effectiveness of the New Deal.  It is important to be present for this activity.  If you are absent you will be required to research and analyze BOTH sides of the debate.

The activity is taken from

The graphic organizer should be used to gather evidence from both sides.

The documents are found on pages 2 - 9.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Roaring 20's

Watch the video of the 1920's...
Why do you think they call it the "Roaring 20's"?

Periods 1, 5, 7:  You will be assigned a specific topic to research using the textbook.  Create a mini poster (visual) that will explain your topic.
Include 1.  Who?   2. What?   3. When? (historical era or events, not dates)    4. Where?   
5.  Why is it important?  Why did it happen?     6.  How did the event affect America's progress?

Period 2 and 6.
You, too, will be given a specific topic.  Your job will be to find and explain 6 visuals that are associated with your topic and answer the above questions.  Put the visuals on a power point presentation...Few, if any words will be allowed...You must then plan to explain the visuals while presenting the power point.  Pictures, graphs, political cartoons, maps are allowed.

Semester 2: Topics and Reading

January 22 - 31
Roaring 20's and Depressing 30's
Read textbook Chapters 8, 9, and 10
pages 208 - 261

February 3 - 28
WWII and The Cold War
Read Textbook Chapters11 - 14
pages 266 - 359

March 3 - 21
Post War America and Civil Rights
Read Textbook Chapters 14 - 18
pages 362 - 431

April 1 - 25
Modern World and New Challenges
Read Textbook Chapters 19 - 22
pages 434 - 517

EOC at end of April...