Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Roaring 20's

Watch the video of the 1920's...
Why do you think they call it the "Roaring 20's"?

Periods 1, 5, 7:  You will be assigned a specific topic to research using the textbook.  Create a mini poster (visual) that will explain your topic.
Include 1.  Who?   2. What?   3. When? (historical era or events, not dates)    4. Where?   
5.  Why is it important?  Why did it happen?     6.  How did the event affect America's progress?

Period 2 and 6.
You, too, will be given a specific topic.  Your job will be to find and explain 6 visuals that are associated with your topic and answer the above questions.  Put the visuals on a power point presentation...Few, if any words will be allowed...You must then plan to explain the visuals while presenting the power point.  Pictures, graphs, political cartoons, maps are allowed.

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