Thursday, December 4, 2014

Causes of WWI

December 5 and 8...
What caused WWI?   Today's lesson will explain how, within a matter of days, the major countries of the world found themselves involved in a long, deadly conflict.  It will also describe the events that forced America out of its plan for neutrality and into the war in Europe.

US History – WWI 

Use textbook….pages 184 – 188

Create a Cinquain poem for each of the causes of WWI.

Imperialism, Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism

Poem – To create a cinquain poem, you name a topic and describe it by completing the each line in the following format.

Summarize basic elements



SIMILE (like a….or as a …..)

SYNONYM (means the same as the “NAME”)



Susan B. Anthony was an advocate for women’s suffrage and tried to vote in the 19th century.

Susan B. Anthony

Progressive, Intelligent

Enlightening, Crusading, Pioneering

As Visionary as our Founding Fathers




Create an annotated timeline of the following events to show how the USA became involved in WWI.
1.  Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
2.  Declarations of War in Europe
3.  Sinking of Lusitania
4.  Zimmermann Telegram
5.  Germany resumes Submarine warfare
6.  Wilson asks for a Declaration of War


Annotations should explain how each event was a step toward war.


Conclusion:  Why was America determined to remain neutral?  What events changed Wilson's stance on the war?  Rewrite the quote on page 188 using your own words. Explain how the quote "justifies" American involvement.




Part II:
Cartoon Analysis



1.      What objects or people do you see in the cartoon?

2.      List three words or phrases the identifies people, objects, or places within the cartoon.

3.      Which of the objects are symbols?  (list three)

4.      What do you think each symbol means?


5.      Which words or phrases appear to be the most important?  Why do you think so?


6.      Describe the action taking place in the cartoon.  How are the words or symbols involved?


7.      Explain the message of the cartoon.

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