Monday, March 2, 2015

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was one of the first successful demonstrations of unity among African Americans in the early years of the Civil Rights movement.  This event is sometimes over simplified in history textbooks.  There's many dynamics that go unnoticed.  Today we will analyze several primary source documents to determine why this movement, at this time, was successful.

This embedded documents will be used in Blocks 1 and 5.  Block 2, please see the instructions below.

Rosa Parks Video

The above link will take you to the website "historical thinking matters".  We will watch the video together and then break into partners to examine the primary source documents.  It will be your job to examine the documents and collect information to be used in a class discussion at the end of the period. 
Once we have watched the video, please go to "inquiry".  There will be eight sources listed.  Click on each source, read the document, then look at the "questions tab" in the block on the right.  Answer each question for each document. (you may work together as a team).  Be sure to source your documents so you can reference them in the discussion.  You must also prepare questions for the discussion...

Whole class discussion:
Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott succeed?
To what extent was Rosa Parks responsible for its success?
Did your answer to the central historical question change? If so,
What evidence from the documents caused you to revise your

Homework assignment:  Write a response to the central question "Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott succeed?"  You must reference a minimum of four documents.


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