Monday, November 4, 2013

Urbanization and Industrialization

Week of November 4

Last week we discussed the changes in post-Civil War America that occurred in the cities.
At the end of the week, we watched the episode "cities" from America: The Story of US.

This week we will look at reform movements and the effects on the farm.  The focus will be the Election of 1896 and the Populist movement.

Mon. and Tue.  Read and study 114 - 127
We will view Jacob Riis' photographs as well as Thomas Nast's political cartoons.
Examples from Thomas Nast
Examples from Riis

Assignment:  Create an ACROSTIC poem on either Industrialization or Urbanization.  The poem should flow together and demonstrate an understanding of the hardships, accomplishments, and ideas of these two topics.
Honors Class will create a political cartoon to go with the poem.  The cartoon should depict a specific problem or issue and the author's (You) point of view should be obvious.

Wed. and Thur. 

Friday, Monday...create a fictional political party and candidate for this time period.  Look at the issues present.  Name your party and establish what your main issues will be.
Create a campaign poster for your candidate and write an election speech that outlines your candidate's platform.  Remember, you need to address the issues but you can't do anything if you aren't elected.

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