Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Late 19th Century issues and politics

Week of November 11 - 15 (and 18th)

Monday, Nov. 11 - Honor all those who have served and sacrificed for America's freedom.

Tuesday Nov. 12 - We will continue with the Political Party project.
Wednesday and Thursday (13, 14):
Review pages 130 -132 in the text book.
Discuss problems faced by farmers, issues with the money supply, and the growing popularity of the Populist movement.
"Why did the populist party attract millions of supporters?"
We will examine speeches and documents of the late 19th century and look at the platform of William Jennings Bryan in the election of 1896.
First view video...Election of 1896
Then look at the speeches.
Evaluate the Source.
Context...what do we know about the time period?
Discuss the points of the speeches and how they influenced the masses of people.
Create a chart to collect information as you read and compare Documents A and B.
Document A
Document B
Source: Who is the author?
The author probably believes….
I do/do not trust this document because….

What was going on at the time the document was written?
I already know that….is happening at this time…
From this document I would guess that people at this time were feeling….

What claims does the author make?
What evidence does the author use?
The author is trying to convince me… by saying…

What do other pieces of evidence say?
The author agrees/disagrees with….

After close reading the speeches and answering guided questions, we will write a paragraph in response to the essential question.  Be sure to use information from the speeches.

Friday, November 15 and Monday, November 18:
Date Change:  November 19 and 20...

These discussions will emphasize the continued problems that plagued African Americans during the late 19th century.
We will discussion the problems and look at possible solutions.
You will create a T-Chart to compare the viewpoints of W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington.
Predict how the issues will change in the coming years.
Comparison Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois

Which of the two views presented, W.E.B. DuBois’ or Booker T. Washington’s, offered a better strategy to put our nation on a quicker path to equality for African Americans at the turn of the twentieth century?

Answer the above questions using quotes and anecdotes from the writings and beliefs of each man.

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