Thursday, May 22, 2014

People in US History

Honors class:
Question:  Who is the most courageous person in US History?

You will be assigned a person of great courage.  It will be your job to convince the class that your person is the most courageous.  The format will be tournament style and the brackets are posted in the classroom.   Rounds 1 and 2 will begin on Wednesday, May 28.  The Championship Finals will be Exam day.  Absences are a forfeit.  Forfeits will affect your grade.  Use strategy because arguments used in round one cannot be used in successive rounds.

People who were absent May 21...see me about your assigned person.
6th period:  P.D. - Jackie Robinson
                   Q.P. - Abigail Adams
                   P.E. - Jimmy Doolittle
                   C.U. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Remember to look for "Courage"...not just bravery in action, but also in strength of character.

Regular US History:
You will be creating a "Fakebook" page on a person in US History.  The template is online.
Click here for template
You must remember to save your page and remember the URL so it can be shared in class.
This how you will be graded.  Be sure to stay historically accurate with posts and friends.  Have fun and be creative.
If you were absent you may choose from the following people:  Eleanor Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, John Paul Jones, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass

The Fakebook includes completed ‘blocks’ on the left-hand side (e.g. “friends”, “hobbies”, “family”). Award 1 mark for each complete block, up to a maximum of 3.
Cover Image
The Fakebook includes a cover image at the top of the screen behind the main profile image. Award 2 marks only if it has an obvious connection to the character.
Profile Information
The Fakebook includes profile information (birthday, family members, place of birth, job, interests…)
The Fakebook “Wall” includes a series of (dated) posts which outline the key events taking place in the character’s life and career
Other historically accurate characters comment on these posts offering their opinions on the events, achievements and failures being described
The Fakebook embeds at least one YouTube video that is relevant to the story, with a “Wall Post” from the character explaining why it’s included.
Overall Judgement
Three further marks are available for the general impression created by the Fakebook – does it sound realistic / written clearly and so on?

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