Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Progressive Presidents

Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson were all considered to be "Progressive Presidents" in some manner.  Using information in the textbook (pages 160 - 179), create a foldable to describe how each of these men influenced the Progressive era.

Title:  Progressive Presidents
Topic #1:  Theodore Roosevelt
Topic #2:  William H. Taft
Topic #3:  Woodrow Wilson

Assignment.  Due by Friday November 21.

Progressive President Foldable
Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft., Woodrow Wilson
Must include the following (be sure to connect with the correct President)
1.  Years in office
2.  Acts of progressivism from the list below.  Be sure to include an explanation:
·      16th Amendment
·      Adamson Act               
·      Anti-Defamation League
·      Ballinger v. Pinchot
·      Bureau of Mines 
·      Children’s Bureau       
·      Clayton Anti-Trust Act
·      Coal strike and arbitration
·      Conservation
·      Department of Commerce and Labor
·      Election of 1912  
·      Federal Reserve System            
·      Federal Trade Commission
·      Hepburn Act
·      Keating Owen Child Labor Act
·      Meat Inspection Act   
·      Northern Securities
·      Payne Aldrich Tariff    
·      Pure Food and Drug Act 
·      Square Deal 
·      Trustbuster  
·      Underwood Tariff
·         United States Forest Service     

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