Wednesday, November 5, 2014


November 7 and 10.
Progressivism was NOT a tightly organized political movement.  Instead, it was collection of different ideas, activities and reforms that could be partially attributed to laissez-faire economics.

Progressives came from BOTH political parties.  Most were urban, educated, white, middle-class Americans.  They believed that the government need to be reformed.  AFTER the government was "fixed", it should take a more active role in solving societies problems.  They had a strong faith in science and technology and believed that by using scientific principles, solutions for the problems could be found.

Muckrakers - journalists who uncovers and reveals corruption and abuses in society.
Examples:  Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens

Issues addressed by Progressives:

Political Machines

Government Efficiency

Democratic reforms

Women's sufferage

Child Labor

Health and Safety Codes


Regulation of big business


How were these issues addressed by the Progressives?

Acrostic Poem
Create an Acrostic poem using the terms...Industrialism, Urbanization,  Immigration, Unionization, or Progressivism.  You must one of the terms...Print the topic VERTICALLY, letter by letter, along the left margin of your paper.  Each letter then becomes the starting point for a word, phrase, or sentence that describes the topic.


Students of various backgrounds
Come together for the purpose of learning.
Halls and rooms bustle with eager young people who
Overwhelmingly impress their teachers with intelligence.
Out in the back, is an athletic arena where talented athletes
Lead their teams in competition.

November  12 and 13.

Lesson taken from

Answer the question:  What were the attitudes of Progressive social reformers toward immigrants?

Team A: Progressive social reformers were generous and helpful.
Team B: Progressive social reformers were condescending and
30 minutes:   With your teammate, read the documents. Find three pieces of
evidence which support your side.
10 minutes:   Team A presents. BOTH PARTNERS MUST PRESENT!!!
Team B writes down Team A’s arguments and then repeats them
back to Team A.
10 minutes:   Team B presents. BOTH PARTNERS MUST PRESENT!!!
Team A down arguments of Team B and then repeats them back to
Team B.
10 minutes: Everyone CAN ABANDON their positions. Groups of 4 attempt to
develop a consensus.

Documents for Progressive discussion

 Read the documents.  Collect evidence that supports your side.  Share with opposing side.  Write a consensus.  EACH person must write the consensus (it can be the same). 

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